UCLALibrary / ucla-library-website-components

This is a library of Vue components that will be used in UCLA Library Nuxt websites.
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Component Request - FTVA Footer #569

Open farosFreed opened 1 month ago

farosFreed commented 1 month ago

Component Description

This component is used to the display a footer at the base of all pages on the FTVA site. It is also used already on the library website nuxt site to display the footer, so it needs to be edited without impacting default stories.

The FTVA footer will require updates to FooterMain.vue, FooterPrimary.vue, FooterSock.vue, and will also require creating a new component FooterLinks.vue which will render 4 columns of links.


Please see attached FIGMA's for quick reference.

If no mobile designs provided, please use your best judgment for responsiveness.


No slots needed.


FooterMain.vue FooterMain needs 1 prop added to track when to show the new FooterLinks.vue child component. It should default to false since that is the behavior we need for the library-website-next site

props: {
    showLinks: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false 

FooterPrimary.vue See developer tips for more information, but basically you can add a prop where ever you need to replace hard-coded text content.

props: {
    formSubmitLabel: {
        type: String,
        default: 'Subscribe' 

FooterSock.vue should not need new props, gets data from store

FooterLinks.vue Can get data from the store the same way FooterSock does- from GlobalStore.js

Developer Tips




FooterLinks.vue | NEW


No events

Child components

Add new component FooterLinks to FooterMain as a child component

FooterLinks will use either SmartLink or router-link child components to show the 4 lists of links


Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 1 57 21 PM
jendiamond commented 1 month ago

looks good