UCLONG / NetEmulation

Software Simulation and Hardware Synthesis of Electrical and Optical Interconnection Networks
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Integration of ENoC with NetEmulation top level #25

Open pmwatts opened 10 years ago

pmwatts commented 10 years ago

i accepted Danny's pull request and merged it with my files but I get lots of errors when trying to run a simulation of the ENoC. Probably many of these are due to conflicts between library files and the original files which I have added. Some errors are strange though, for example, modelsim gives an error each time it encounters a parameter which is not defined. These occur in every ENoC file - did you do something to supress these errors in your simulations Danny?

DannyNicholls commented 10 years ago

Oh no! That's strange, I wasn't getting any errors, and I was working directly from the repository. I din't have to do anything to suppress errors. (github ignores the work folder created by modelsim).

It is interesting that parameters are not defined? All parameters should be given a value.

I will have another go this morning. If I can't get the errors, I can come into uni and try and load it with you when you're available.

DannyNicholls commented 10 years ago

If I run net.do in the repository folder, it runs ENoC with NetEmulation.

I am getting some errors and warnings, but it is still running, transmitting and receiving packets.

The first warnings are because I have used $clog2 throughout. If used in an array as [$clog2(n)-1:0] and n=1 I end up with an array [-1:0] rather than the desired [0:0]. So I have 2 bits, where really I wanted 1. This is happening when the mesh is only 2 dimensional, as Z_NODES is 1. I don't think this will cause any operational problems, and would be ignored by the synthesiser, but it does look messy. I think the neatest way round this is to just convert back to using the functions file! I will do that before the next pull request.

The only errors I get are due to the optical_wave.do script asks for waves specific to the optical network.