UCLOrengoGroup / cath-tools

Protein structure comparison tools such as SSAP and SNAP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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min-dc-hmm-coverage flag meaning #75

Closed nsneeladrisen closed 3 years ago

nsneeladrisen commented 3 years ago

for the cath-resolve-hits command, this flag has no associated function in the help section. Adding it will be helpful!

tonyelewis commented 3 years ago

The reason it isn't documented in the usage message is because it doesn't exist and you never saw it :wave:.

Well… OK… it does exist. But it isn't an official, publicly-supported option; it's a hacky thing we bunged in because it was convenient for our OrengoGroup needs at the time.

If you're in the know, you can run ./cath-resolve-hits --hidden-help and then the usage message includes:

Hit filtering [hidden options]:
  --min-hmm-coverage [=<percent>(=50)]           [IN PUBLIC GENE3D COMMAND] In hmmsearch_out input, ignore any hits for which 100.0 * ( hmm_to + 1 - hmm_from ) / hmm_length  <  <percent>
  --min-dc-hmm-coverage [=<percent>(=80)]        [IN PUBLIC GENE3D COMMAND] In hmmsearch_out input, ignore any /^\dc_{32}$/ hits for which 100.0 * ( hmm_to + 1 - hmm_from ) / hmm_length  <  <percent>

I'm open to discussion about how to improve things.