UCMercedACM / Website-Theme

The Theme that runs UC Merced ACM
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Events Page Should Auto Pull From Facebook #8

Open mattbucci opened 9 years ago

mattbucci commented 9 years ago

see: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.2/group/events

A php script should be put into the /scripts/ dir and return json for the frontend to process. We can populate the page with javascript. This model is preferable because we cannot live preview php. Caching must be used for the script or this will be SLOOOOW

chipbuster commented 9 years ago

Aaaand I'm stuck on what must be the dumbest issue I've faced to-date.

Does anyone know how to get the group-id? There are a bunch of tools online, but they only work for open groups, and we're behind the UC Merced-only wall (Facebook for colleges or whatever it was called)

bbamsch commented 9 years ago

Seems that Facebook Graph API prevents reading group events unless the user authenticates it to do so. This causes us to either have users authenticate before viewing events... OR we could bypass this by hardcoding a user's access token.

We shouldn't be hardcoding any access tokens in Javascript for privacy reasons. But we may want to look into hardcoding an access token into a PHP script on the server which has access to reading ACM group events. This would, of course, have to remain separate from the github repo for privacy reasons but would allow us to retrieve ACM events via proxy.

chipbuster commented 9 years ago

If we placed the php scripts into a separate private repo, would that work to maintain privacy? I'm thinking something like pushing to a private BitBucket repo which would contain the token.

bbamsch commented 9 years ago

That could work. Only anyone who has access to the private repo or the files on the server would be able to see the access token.

Currently, who has access to server files?

chipbuster commented 9 years ago

I believe we have a jailed shell on that server, Matt and Joanna should have login info.

chipbuster commented 9 years ago
