UCSBCarpentry / 2020-06-03-UCSB-LibCarp

Library Carpentry Workshop June 3, 10, 17
0 stars 1 forks source link

errant "Day 3" folder in _episodes #4

Closed ilessing closed 4 years ago

ilessing commented 4 years ago

we have a day3/ folder inside the _episodes/ directory.

It appears the episodes inside the day3/ folder dupilicate those in the _episodes directory.

2020-06-03-UCSB-LibCarp $ tree _episodes
├── 01-introduction.md
├── 02-xpath.md
├── 03-manual-scraping.md
├── 04-scrapy.md
├── 05-conclusion.md
└── day3
    ├── 01-introduction.md
    ├── 02-xpath.md
    ├── 03-manual-scraping.md
    ├── 04-scrapy.md
    └── 05-conclusion.md

Can we get rid of the day3/ folder?

ilessing commented 4 years ago

I have myself to blame for the creation of this day3/ sub-directory I had added the day3 sub-directory on May 7