UCSBCarpentry / 2020-06-03-UCSB-LibCarp

Library Carpentry Workshop June 3, 10, 17
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Scrapy shell prompt >>> or as appears [1]: #8

Open torwhite opened 4 years ago

torwhite commented 4 years ago

The original lesson uses >>> but Scrapy shell is numbered.

Ian removed one In [#]:

Should we remove altogether or use as appears in scrapy shell (numbers may be confusing?)

ilessing commented 4 years ago

When you use Scrapy shell in the JupyterLab enviroment you get the In [#] prompt. If you use Scrapy shell in regular bash shell you get the >>> prompt.

My thought was to remove the prompt from code examples that learners would be cutting and pasting into their own python scripts but to leave them in the "Output" code examples.