UCSC-MedBook / patient-care

Clincian facing portal showing pathways, signatures, and genes of interest
2 stars 1 forks source link

Can only share with users whose last-used app is using the new collaborations code #17

Closed mokolodi1 closed 8 years ago

mokolodi1 commented 8 years ago

See here: https://github.com/UCSC-MedBook/patient-care/blob/master/webapp/lib/methods.js#L170 (getSharableCollaborations method)

mokolodi1 commented 8 years ago

When users try to go to Telescope (the only old app), they are greeted with this:

screen shot 2016-07-18 at 4 37 05 pm

I don't foresee us putting up any more old apps (other than Telescope) because that would cause security vulnerabilities.