Bringing all of these features together into "comments" makes sense I believe.
Each top-level comment would have an associated_object from which it would inherit its security, much like Blobs. (An associated object contains the collection name and mongo _id to link it to an object with collaboration security.)
MedBook comments could also have auto-generated comments, much like GitHub:
Teo created this sample group on March 2nd, 2016
Teo shared with "CKCC" collaboration on March 3rd
"Wow, this is really cool!" - Ellen
"I know, truly fantastic work @ olena" - Teo
Olena referenced this sample group in the Patient 36 report
Olena shared this sample group publicly
(@ olena has space so as not to notify the GitHub user olena)
Bringing all of these features together into "comments" makes sense I believe.
Each top-level comment would have an associated_object from which it would inherit its security, much like Blobs. (An associated object contains the collection name and mongo _id to link it to an object with collaboration security.)
MedBook comments could also have auto-generated comments, much like GitHub:
(@ olena has space so as not to notify the GitHub user olena)