UCSC-Treehouse / pipelines

Makefiles to run dockerized pipelines used in Treehouse on a single sample
Apache License 2.0
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Add pizzly docker to process Kallisto fusion.txt #29

Closed e-t-k closed 5 years ago

e-t-k commented 5 years ago

docker: ucsctreehouse/pizzly:0.37.3 sha256:43efb2faf95f9d6bfd376ce6b943c9cf408fab5c73088023d633e56880ac1ea8

Output dir in secondary:ucsctreehouse-pizzly-0.37.3-43efb2f


For reference: https://github.com/UCSC-Treehouse/operations/issues/211

e-t-k commented 5 years ago

@jpfeil Could you please commit your pizzly Docker code to https://github.com/UCSC-Treehouse/docker-pizzly so that I can link to it?

e-t-k commented 5 years ago

Code is available at https://github.com/UCSC-Treehouse/docker-pizzly and this has been pushed to master!