UCSC-Treehouse / pipelines

Makefiles to run dockerized pipelines used in Treehouse on a single sample
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How to handle failed fusion runs? #38

Open e-t-k opened 1 year ago

e-t-k commented 1 year ago

Currently (as of ERCC branch being merged):

if the fusion step fails (for both regular and ERCC), fab will continue on with subsequent steps (jfkm pizzly variants) and subsequent samples.

At the end of the run, if any fusion steps failed, fab will print for each sample that failed fusion:

ERROR: Sample (whatever) did not generate fusion results.

@klearned suggests:

what if in the fusion results folder, an error.txt file was created that contained that message: ERROR: Sample (whatever) did not generate fusion results.

My thoughts are:

klearned commented 1 year ago

@e-t-k I didn't realize the folder wouldn't get created at all if fusion fails. I think that is actually ideal! Thanks!