UCSC-nanopore-cgl / signalAlign

HMM-HDP models for MinION signal alignments
MIT License
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Scrappie integration 2 #9

Closed tpesout closed 6 years ago

tpesout commented 6 years ago

This covers a refactor of how signal align is called from python code, funneling all invocation through multithread_signal_align. It includes a refactor of the NanoporeRead class, simplfying the 1D version and adding a subclass to handle 2D chemistry. This refactor includes better utilization of the Fast5 class which wraps the class in the hdf5 package.

This branch doesn't include the deletion and re-addition of the test files that is present in tpesout_abailey_merge (and scrappie_integration). These two branches can be deleted after this is merged in.