UCSD-E4E / Pyrenote

Pyrenote, the Audio Labeling System for Acoustics Specifies Identification Project, is built to generate human moment-to-moment labels on audio files. At present, being used to label bird audio data. Derived from the open source repo Audino
MIT License
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Zoom #211

Open Sean1572 opened 3 years ago

Sean1572 commented 3 years ago

Added frequency + temporal zoom

To elaborate...

Wavesurfer has a zoom function that allows the spectrogram to expand and contrast. However, I disabled a while ago because it was deemed an unnecessary part of the UI. With feature toggling, I decided to try bringing it back. To be clear, this is a horizontal zoom rather than a low pass filter. Bringing it back broke the spectrogram rendering, so I need to work more to figure out why the spectrogram is not rendering properly with the zoom included.

As for a zoom feature on the frequency scale, or applying a band pass filter... Computing ffts are computationally complicated so it may be trick to have it continuously update. Unless I can figure out a away to get the full frequency data then maybe reduce the pixels needed to render which would be less complex than recalculating the frequency data over again

Sean1572 commented 3 years ago

Could a zoom feature like this be cool for the team? https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_image_zoom