UCSD-E4E / stingray-auv

ROS packages for the Stingray 3.0 AUV
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ROS on Beaglebone Black #19

Closed antonellla closed 10 years ago

antonellla commented 10 years ago


http://wiki.ros.org/BeagleBone http://downloads.angstrom-distribution.org/demo/beaglebone/

antonellla commented 10 years ago

The distribution of angstrom came with python2.7 install, but for whatever reason the module getpass was missing. Just got the source code from http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Lib/getpass.py and manually put it in /usr/lib/python2.7/ . Now catkin_create_pkg works.

antonellla commented 10 years ago

catkin_init_workspace and catkin_make are failing with the following error:

Base path: /home/root/openrov-ros Source space: /home/root/openrov-ros/src Build space: /home/root/openrov-ros/build Devel space: /home/root/openrov-ros/devel Install space: /home/root/openrov-ros/install Creating the toplevel cmake file failed: Could neither find file "toplevel.cmake" in any workspace nor relative, checked the following paths: /home/root/openrov-ros/src/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake /usr/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake /usr/lib/python2.7/cmake/toplevel.cmake /usr/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake /usr/lib/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake

antonellla commented 10 years ago

Aha, compiling on the target is not available yet: https://github.com/vmayoral/beagle-ros/issues/1 need to cross-compile for Angstrom

Otherwise, it works. Python scripts appear to run just fine since they don't need to be compiled.