UCSD-GSA / aranea

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List of committees #7

Open VPInternal opened 10 years ago

VPInternal commented 10 years ago


This page should be organized alphabetically by committee (pending list of active committees from execs). Only information should be: Committtee Name, Committee Appointer, Representatives (w/ email addresses) and vacancies (if vacant, email appointer).

Committee Name should be a link to the Committee page.

Each committee page should contain a brief description of the committee and the following information, if available, (and these fields should be blank if unavailable):

Each committee page should have links to the following document repositories:

VPInternal commented 10 years ago

I have a list of committees and their appointees. How should I deliver this list, and in what format?

ripetersen commented 10 years ago

google spreadsheet would be best

VPInternal commented 10 years ago

Does anything remain to be done immediately by the execs to finish the committee spreadsheet before its information can be put on the website?

ripetersen commented 10 years ago

I realize that you want the page updated even if the information is missing, that said it would still be nice to have the name of the committee in the spreadsheet rather than the abbreviation.

VPInternal commented 10 years ago

Committee names added in place of abbreviation.

How do you plan to add this info to website? If we add it now and then later execs add info to spreadsheet, how will that new info be sent to website? Will it involve a lot of labor on your end? I don't want you to have to update this every day.

Also: in the "Members" sheet, should there be rows for currently vacant seats?

ripetersen commented 10 years ago

it's going to go into a database and the exec members will have access through the website to update it.

when it goes live there will be a period prior to the editing functionality becoming available when edits won't be made.

Once I upload from the spreadsheet, then it is done and the database takes the role as the holder of the 'correct' information, no further updates from the spreadsheet will be made.

There should not be rows for vacant seats in the members sheet. The correct number of seats should be set in the committee page.

VPInternal commented 10 years ago

What is ETA on editing functionality?

If ETA<3 weeks, please upload from spreadsheet and once editing functionality becomes available execs will update info.

If ETA>3 weeks, I propose the following: I share the revised spreadsheet with execs, give them 3 days to fill in blanks or add new committees. After those extra 3 days, we upload what we have.

ripetersen commented 10 years ago

it's gonna be more than 3 weeks