UCSD / campus-mobile

Mobile App for Campus
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Scroll position not saved when leaving and returning to home tab #1651

Open kevdesilva01 opened 3 years ago

kevdesilva01 commented 3 years ago

Time Tracking: MA-34

When going into the parking card or NTPLLN card, the user is redirected to other screens. Once that user is done selecting something in those screens, the NTPLLN Card automatically routes back to the home screen and the parking card routes to the home screen after a user clicks the done button (v2). When it reroutes back to the home screen, the user should be taken back to the position where they left off instead of the very top.

This is done when:

gmihir commented 3 years ago

The current PR is not consistent in saving the user position. It only worked 1/3 times in the video below

gmihir commented 3 years ago


kevdesilva01 commented 2 years ago

Android testing passed. Tested extensively on parking card. The only small thing I noticed was that when pressing the done button from the "Neighborhoods" screens, it doesn't go back to the home tab. It goes to the Manage Lots screen again. The other two options (Parking Structure) and Parking lots, go to the home menu. This might have something to do with the implementation of the "pop" function, as the two screens that work as intended currently need to be popped twice to return to the home tab, but the Neighborhoods screen would need to be popped 3 times.

c3bryant commented 2 years ago

Encountered a bug in 7.19 testing.

Student logout is not working as expected.

Upon student logout, the user is not fully logged out. The Profile tab shows 'Logged in' with an empty username. The Home view still shows some authenticated web cards

Staff logout appears to be working as expected.

c3bryant commented 1 year ago

woznaut reported an issue on iOS, confirmed on Android.

Bug: The Cards view under the Profile tab is not functional. There are two "No internet" popups when navigating to this view. When the popups are dismissed, the view is blank.

Reverting PR 1935 to investigate a fix.

tkiyohar commented 1 year ago

woznaut reported an issue on iOS, confirmed on Android.

Bug: The Cards view under the Profile tab is not functional. There are two "No internet" popups when navigating to this view. When the popups are dismissed, the view is blank.

Reverting PR 1935 to investigate a fix.

I will be investigating this error in the coming weeks.

tkiyohar commented 9 months ago

All issues regarding this PR have been fixed and the code for this PR has been ported over to the newest experimental version of the mobile app on a brand-new PR (please see: https://github.com/UCSD/campus-mobile/pull/2019).

c3bryant commented 7 months ago

Testers Needed: Please complete updated PR testing section in iOS and Android test plans linked above.