[x] 1) Optimize the Campus App so that it requests location access when needed.
[x] 2) Optimize the Campus App so that it requests notification permissions if the student hasn’t enable it yet (For instance, notifications are never automatically enabled for Android).
[x] 3) Create the What's Around Me notification as reflected in the Miro Board.
[x] 4) Create the notification to reflect the design and implement its functionality (on click, run “What’s Around Me?”).
[x] 5) Create the button to reflect the design and implement its functionality (on click, run “What’s Around Me?”).
[x] 6) Create the What’s Around Me skeleton. This means, creating the list and the location-description page skeletons.
[x] 7) Create a function that generates Arc GIS Access Tokens so ESRI APIs can be accessed.
[ ] 8) Update the list and the location-description page skeletons such that they fetch and feed the corresponding data from these 3 APIs (that we also need to get working):
[x] a) Find Places Nearby by category (to feed the list) using the ESRI Nearby Search API. This API also provides the distance from the given point (which will be the student's location). We need to first fetch the student's location in x and y coordinates so we can use this API.
[x] b) Find the details of each place (for the description page) such as address, phone number, etc. using the ESRI Get Place Details API. To use this API, we need the place_id from the Nearby Search API.
[ ] c) Find the Busyness of each place (for the description page) using the WS02 Busyness API.
[x] 9) Document how to create an ESRI API in the Campus App, specifically.
[ ] 10) Testers will test issue and provide feedback/suggested changes if and where necessary.
Extra Features we might want to consider:
[ ] Being able to show a 2d list of what's around you (default .5mile radius but can be customized).
[ ] Being able to filter these results by halls, buildings, landmarks, restaurants, parking, ATMs, Covid Machines, Shopping stores like the bookstore, libraries, grocery stores, MTS stops, etc.
[ ] Being able to save some interesting spots in customizable collections.
[ ] Provide users with "Busyness" of the locations displayed.
Time Tracking: https://its-pro.ucsd.edu/browse/MA-184 Epic: https://its-pro.ucsd.edu/browse/MA-183
Link to the One-Pager: https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WTS/pages/1076331194/What+s+Around+Me+Feature+One+Pager-Design
Link to How to Create an Arc GIS API call inside the Campus App: https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/x/rwO9V
What's Around Me Implementation Steps:
Extra Features we might want to consider: