UCSF-CBI / rstudio-server-controller

RStudio Server Controller (RSC) - A Tool for Launching a Personal Instance of the RStudio Server
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r studio not working on c4-raleighlab1 node #106

Closed Aggarwal-Ayush closed 3 months ago

Aggarwal-Ayush commented 4 months ago

Hi It's been a while since the r studio server stopped working on the c4-raleighlab1 node (after the c4 update). Below is the list of commands and error that I'm getting:

[ayaggarwal@c4-raleighlab1 ~]$ module load CBI r hdf5 rstudio-server-controller miniconda3 jags [ayaggarwal@c4-raleighlab1 ~]$ rsc start WARNING: Detected ./.RData [2595 bytes]. It will be loaded by R during startup. If this file is very large, R might fail to launch. rserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ERROR: It looks like the RStudio Server failed during launch ['rserver' process (PID 0 on c4-raleighlab1) no longer exists; attempted to use TCP port 14002, which is available]. This happened with rsc 0.16.0 [running on c4-raleighlab1], RStudio Server 2023.12.0-369 (Ocean Storm) for Linux [/software/c4/cbi/software/rstudio-server-2023.12.0-369/bin/rstudio-server], and R 4.4.1 (2024-06-14) -- "Race for Your Life" [/software/c4/cbi/software/_rocky8/R-4.4.1-gcc13/bin/R]. Traceback: 1: rsc_error() on line #126 in /software/c4/cbi/software/rstudio-server-controller-0.16.0/bin/rsc 2: assert_rserver_running() on line #976 in /software/c4/cbi/software/rstudio-server-controller-0.16.0/bin/rsc 3: main() on line #1929 in /software/c4/cbi/software/rstudio-server-controller-0.16.0/bin/rsc Exiting (exit 1) Shutting down RStudio Server ... Shutting down RStudio Server ... done

Any help with this is much appreciated!! @HenrikBengtsson @dstyrk-ucsf PS It's working on c4-dev1 so this is specific to c4-raleighlab1 node.


HenrikBengtsson commented 3 months ago

This is a C4 specific issue; please use https://github.com/UCSF-CBI/c4-help/issues for such problems.