UCSF-CBI / rstudio-server-controller

RStudio Server Controller (RSC) - A Tool for Launching a Personal Instance of the RStudio Server
ISC License
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Observation - Automated timeout seems to happen when long-running package installs are happening. #70

Open HenrikBengtsson opened 2 years ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 2 years ago

(moved from https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/CBI-software/issues/73)

@hgputnam wrote on 2022-07-14:

I was troubleshooting a C4 issue and testing installing Seurat from an Rstudio session via rsc. The browser screen went blank after a lot of time had past (don't know exactly how much). I was testing against a dev server which is pretty slow. Just wondering if the timeout detection code could be made to test for the case of long running package installs.

@hgputnam wrote on 2022-07-14:

Oh, and I tried reloading the browser. Rstudio eventually displayed three buttons in the browser, one was reload but that didn't get me back to the session. I had to ctl-c out of rsc and that of course crashed the session. Not the end of the world as many of the dependent packages where installed prior to the crash. So we don't really have to start over, might be confusing for some.