UCSF-Costello-Lab / LG3_Pipeline

The original LG3 pipeline
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facets.pbs: ShellCheck issues #148

Closed HenrikBengtsson closed 2 years ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 2 years ago
$ make check_pbs
* Validating PBS scripts
shellcheck -x *.pbs

In facets.pbs line 91:
patientARRAY=($(cut -f 1 "${CNF}"))
              ^------------------^ SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

In facets.pbs line 92:
normalidARRAY=($(cut -f 2 "${CNF}"))
               ^------------------^ SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

In facets.pbs line 93:
tumoridARRAY=($(cut -f 3 "${CNF}"))
              ^------------------^ SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

In facets.pbs line 94:
normalbamARRAY=($(cut -f 4 "${CNF}"))
                ^------------------^ SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

In facets.pbs line 95:
tumorbamARRAY=($(cut -f 5 "${CNF}"))
               ^------------------^ SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

In facets.pbs line 96:
sampleARRAY=($(cut -f 6 "${CNF}"))
             ^------------------^ SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

In facets.pbs line 117:
patientuniqARRAY=($(echo "${patientARRAY[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '))
                  ^-- SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).

For more information:
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2207 -- Prefer mapfile or read -a to spli...
Makefile:18: recipe for target 'check_pbs' failed
HenrikBengtsson commented 2 years ago

I've fixed these issues in the develop (sic!) branch.