UCTRONICS / U6143_ssd1306

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change cpu temperature label from fahrenheit to celcius #14

Open eshicks4 opened 3 years ago

eshicks4 commented 3 years ago

the raspberry pi reports temperature in degrees celcius so fix the label to match. also a bit of cleanup because it was bugging me.

chris-ccn commented 3 years ago

The Obaintemperature (sic) function converts to Fahrenheit, though, so this change would not work with just an image swap.

eshicks4 commented 2 years ago

The Obaintemperature (sic) function converts to Fahrenheit, though, so this change would not work with just an image swap.

Not what I'm seeing. I have everything on the Pi's set up for US standards and it still displays in Celcius. I'm perfectly OK with this but it just needs the F switched for a C in the graphic.