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Git Push Authentication Issue #14

Open jcvotava opened 3 years ago

jcvotava commented 3 years ago

When I git push from the command line, I get this error:

bash: can't create /dev/tty: nonexistent directory error: failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1)

This results in git prompting me to enter my username and manually enter an entire authentication token again. This is more of an inconvenience than an issue because if I jump through the hoops I can still end up pushing - however it is pretty annoying to re-type this every time, especially since I don't keep the tokens ready at hand. Is this normal? Is there I way I can permanently authenticate my computer? (I followed all the normal installation instructions for git for Windows per the Canvas site)

jinfei1125 commented 3 years ago

Hi! I am using windows and I use the GitHub Desktop to skip the token thing-- all you need to do is clicking... 图片

bhargavvader commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the help, @jinfei1125 !