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Cannot find module lucem_illud #8

Open romanticmonkey opened 3 years ago

romanticmonkey commented 3 years ago

Hi Bhargav,

Although I installed the lucem_illud package, I cannot seem to load it in jupyter notebook 011502

docx and pdfminer also cannot be found 011503

I'm using Ubuntu on a Windows machine. From command line, all packages are installed successfully. I wonder if this happened because I messed with my repo and environments. I deleted my old repo and used the setup code to create a new one. When I go into the week-1 code again, I cannot load these packages anymore. I did my homework last night, but I forgot which environment I was operating in.

Or does it have to do with conflicts between Anaconda and local system?

Please let me know if you have any idea what is wrong with my system/notebook. Thank you so much!


bhargavvader commented 3 years ago

Hey Mia, issues like this are usually to do with environment stuff - make sure you have all your requirements and Jupyter notebook as well in your environment, so that the Jupyter which is launched uses your other environment installations. Try and make copies of the notebook and try opening it in different environments to double check? Worse case, keep your notebooks and completely uninstall and reinstall all the packages.

bhargavvader commented 3 years ago

Also, you could try importing the package on command line just to make sure that the installation happened correctly. You should also look around on Stack Overflow to see if you might be missing some solutions:


romanticmonkey commented 3 years ago

Thanks you so much, Bhargav!

I changed all pip commands to pip3 commands and it worked!