UChicago-CCA-2021 / Readings-Responses

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Discovering Higher-level Patterns - Challenge #51

Open jamesallenevans opened 3 years ago

jamesallenevans commented 3 years ago

First, write down three intuitions you have about broad content patterns you will discover in your data. Plan an asterisk next to the one you expect most firmly, and a plus next to the one that, if true, would be the biggest or most important surprise to others (especially the research community to whom you might communicate it, if robustly supported). Second, describe the dataset(s) on which you will build an unsupervised model to explore these intuitions. Then place (a) a link to the data, (b) a script to download and clean it, (c) a reference to a class dataset, (d) an invitation for a TA to contact you about it, or (e) a brief explanation why the data cannot be made available. Please do NOT spend time/space explaining the precise unsupervised strategy you will use to explore your intuitions. (Then upvote the 5 most interesting, relevant and challenging challenge responses from others).

jinfei1125 commented 3 years ago

Intuitions: (1) +People's financial concerns are relatively stable over time from 2015-2019 (2) Top words in different clusters may overlap (3) * housing, car, retirement, student loans, and tax are the top five topics Data: Posts from subreddit Personal Finance 5 csv files of 1000 posts per year from 2015 to 2019: Download Here

toecn commented 3 years ago

People speaking about Latin American politicians that ran for president (2005-2015):

Corpus del Español: This corpus contains about two billion words of Spanish, taken from about two million web pages from 21 different Spanish-speaking countries. It was web-scraped in 2015.

Class dataset: Corpus del Español ("SPAN").

dtanoglidis commented 3 years ago

Comparison of Airbnb reviews from different places

Dataset/Download: Inside Airbnb (http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html)

k-partha commented 3 years ago

Dataset: Twitter 'likes' of persons with differing self-identified personalities.

Data TAs please note that the data might have to be reduced in size (while keeping the share of 'type' proportional) in order to be workable for quick analysis.

jcvotava commented 3 years ago

Subject: Topics and rhetoric change in the Marx-Engels Collected Works (MECW), 1835-1895 Intuitions:

  1. (+) So-called "Late Marx" (esp. MECW Volumes 28-37) and "Young Marx" (esp. Volumes 1-5) have substantial similarity in topics and rhetoric, with perhaps some changes in vocabulary
  2. (*) The content of unpublished MECW materials (letters and poetry, see MECW 1-2, 38-50) differs significantly from published works
  3. Chapters in Capital Vols. I, II, and III are relatively idiosyncratic to each book, with topics more likely to belong within books than to cross books (MECW 35-37).

Data: Link to a scraped copy of the MECW, Vol 1-49 (386 mb, saved as a .csv.) Documents are saved in a single data table, organized by "document" number (i.e. volume number of the MECW) and "subdocument" (i.e. individual texts, letters, chapters, etc. published within each volume.) Data needs tokenization, mild cleaning, etc. Key to understanding what's in each volume can be accessed here.

jacyanthis commented 3 years ago


  1. AI discussants avoid discussion of ethics (i.e. AI that is economically efficient and productive) and performance (i.e. AI that is economically efficient and productive) together.
  2. AI ethics topics have become increasingly common over time.*
  3. After AI milestones (e.g. AlphaGo’s victory over world Go champion Lee Sedol in March 2016), ethical frames grow in salience relative to performance frames.+

Dataset News on the Web (NOW) Davies corpus. There are at least 70,000 articles from 2010 to 2020 that include "artificial intelligence."

romanticmonkey commented 3 years ago

Intuitions: (1) * Film critics speaks differently from the general audience. (2) The cluster of speech patterns of film critics in, e.g., 2015 would be more similar to that of the general comments in 2016. (3) + The cluster of speech patterns of general audience in, 2015 would be more similar to that of the film critics in 2016.

Data: Rotten Tomatoes critics reviews (https://www.kaggle.com/stefanoleone992/rotten-tomatoes-movies-and-critic-reviews-dataset) Amazon Movie & TV reviews (need to filter TV) (https://nijianmo.github.io/amazon/index.html)

MOTOKU666 commented 3 years ago

*The understanding of immigrant's benefit is different between academia and general public +We may see a convergence in opinion during the Trump period The difference in understanding might be quite large at all time

Data: Maybe not available to construct a comparable opinion set.

william-wei-zhu commented 3 years ago

Data: Music lyrics dataset. https://www.kaggle.com/neisse/scrapped-lyrics-from-6-genres

Intuition: (1) The lyrics cluster by genre (2) The lyrics cluster by artist (3) the lyrics cluster by album

xxicheng commented 3 years ago

Intuitions: *1. Feminism has always been the theme of Gilmore Girls.

  1. Rory's speech style and content have changed when she graduates from high school and enters college.
  2. The frequency of her conversations with different characters has also changed.

Dataset: http://www.crazy-internet-people.com/site/gilmoregirls/scripts.html

Bin-ary-Li commented 3 years ago


theoevans1 commented 3 years ago

Intuitions: I expect more romantic topics in fanfiction than in source material.* I expect thematic material will be more consistent over time than the sources the fanfiction is based upon. I expect clusters to be similar across fanfiction stories for different shows.+

Data: Davies TV Corpus and fanfiction scraped using AO3 scraper script (https://github.com/radiolarian/AO3Scraper)

egemenpamukcu commented 3 years ago


I didn't collect the data on this because this is unrelated to my project, but it can be scraped from Munk Debates and Intelligence Squared websites.

lilygrier commented 3 years ago


  1. (*) Legislation clusters based on topic rather than position (i.e., pro- and anti-environmental regulation will appear in the same cluster).
  2. The styles of legislative writing may have changed over time, and clustering might pick up on this and put bills written around the same time together.
  3. (+) It may be possible to determine bills that actually passed based on clustering. (My instinct is that the language used in the bill has less to do with whether it passed than who was in the House and Senate at the time, but could be!)

Data: Billsum dataset . Use the us_train_data_final_offical json file in the drive. NOTE: This dataset does not include information about whether the bills passed or not, so we'd have to verify that with a different dataset, so this would have to be verified with outside data.