UChicago-Computational-Content-Analysis / Frequently-Asked-Questions

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Access to Bhargav's data #11

Open sizhenf opened 2 years ago

sizhenf commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I've been wondering where to find the data in Bhargav's example. I understand that we have to change the pathnames to our local drive, but then do we also need to download the data from somewhere?


jacyanthis commented 2 years ago

Hi @sizhenf, are you referring to this line, corpora_address = "/Users/bhargavvader/Downloads/Academics_Tech/corpora/SOAP"? If so, those corpora are in zipfiles on Dropbox. The link to the Dropbox is on this Canvas page (scroll down to "Corpora"). We don't put the link in the GitHub codefiles or this Issues page because these datasets are not all licensed to be publicly shared.