Added support for stop_ids and service_ids that are not unique to a agency_id in a feed and are instead shared across different agencies in a single feed. This addresses issue #29.
Removed calendar_dates from required gtfs feed files and made it optional
Replaced string concatenation methods resulting in faster function run times
Added integration tests using 3 different regions. This addresses #19.
Minor updates:
refactored library to comply with pep8/pycodestyle
refactored library to use raise valueerrors instead of assertions
dropped depreciated pandas sort function
refactored txt header and format checkers to only check files used by library
updated required and optional function parameters and docstrings
updated order of empty df checks in txt file loading functions
clarified use of and print statements for using calendar_dates to extract service_ids
moved stop_time time column validation check to better support error detection
refactored to use local vars inside function instead of global vars
updated plotting functions
added read_csv parameter low_memory option to reduce warning messages
added new function to keep track of each unique gtfs feed folder name used in the library to enable tracking of issues related to particular feeds
_timetoseconds now only utilizes 'departure_time' by default resulting in faster run times
added new unit tests
added ignore for runtime warning during headways calc
Major updates:
Minor updates: