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Should TEI/HTML fragments validate according to their respective schemata? #71

Open mjhawkins opened 10 months ago

mjhawkins commented 10 months ago

DISCUSSION POINT: This needs to be more nuanced since we are not necessarily returning complete TEI or HTML documents.

MH: It might not be returning complete files but the fragment that’s returned must be valid according to the relevant schema when embedded within the code for a minimalist page scaffolding. That is, if you plunked an html result in <html><head>…</head><body>{result}</body></html> or <TEI><teiHeader>...</teiHeader><facsimile>...</facsimile><text><div>{$result}</div></text></TEI> Within the context of TEI this means that all pointer attributes in the fragment that point internal xml:id identifiers that are also in the fragment. Those that don’t could likely be excluded from the output without any problems.

mjhawkins commented 10 months ago

We could create new formats, tei_frag, html_frag or, instead, tei_doc, html_doc.

I'd vote for spelling out both options fully.