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[BUG - 3.0.0] Not able to open console, and recurrent error on log #344

Open TrialAvel opened 5 months ago

TrialAvel commented 5 months ago

Game and Engine Version Palworld UE 5.1

Describe the bug (more like a problem and not sure if I should be worried) Can't open the console in the game, and checking the log there is a recurrent error, not sure what is causing it.

[2024-02-05 22:48:11] Error: [Lua::call_function] lua_pcall returned LUA_ERRRUN => ...\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\BPModLoaderMod\scripts\main.lua:202: ModClass is not valid [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] Executing 'PostBeginPlay' for mod 'ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482197' [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] Executing 'PostBeginPlay' for mod 'ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482197' [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] Executing 'PostBeginPlay' for mod 'ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482197' [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] Executing 'PostBeginPlay' for mod 'ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482197' [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] Executing 'PostBeginPlay' for mod 'ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482197' [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] Actor: ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482197 [2024-02-05 22:48:11] [Lua] PreBeginPlay not valid [2024-02-05 22:48:11] Error: [Lua::call_function] lua_pcall returned LUA_ERRRUN => ...\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\BPModLoaderMod\scripts\main.lua:202: ModClass is not valid (loop)

OS: Win11


MoRanYue commented 5 months ago

im puzzled on the same probelm now

Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 5 months ago

You have the following mods installed:


can you check which mod is causing the problem by removing them one by one until the logs are gone? Then send the link to the mod download so someone can take a look at the code/test it.

theoldcrane commented 5 months ago

i have the same problem and tested it with several .pak files. Without any .pak files the logs are gone. With every .pak file i add the logs are back, no matter what mod is am using. at the moment i tested it with these some PAL replacers and progressiveBases_p StorageIntergration DuckUsefulrecipes penguin_p RagundahsPalVariants WeaselDragon i removed them all - NO LOGS i added any of them: LOGS are back i doesnt matter which mod (.pak) i add - the logs come back

MoRanYue commented 5 months ago

whatever Pak i install, even if i dont install any Pak, the Gui Console always doesnt appear.

By the way, in my case, almost all Pak dont load because it prints "ModClass is not valid", im sure that those mods' structures are correct.

theoldcrane commented 5 months ago

whatever Pak i install, even if i dont install any Pak, the Gui Console always doesnt appear.

By the way, in my case, almost all Pak dont load because it prints "ModClass is not valid", im sure that those mods' structures are correct.

did you set the console parameter within the UE4SS settings file to 1? mine was 0 before and it didnt even realise that i have that many error logs:)

MoRanYue commented 5 months ago

whatever Pak i install, even if i dont install any Pak, the Gui Console always doesnt appear.

By the way, in my case, almost all Pak dont load because it prints "ModClass is not valid", im sure that those mods' structures are correct.

did you set the console parameter within the UE4SS settings file to 1? mine was 0 before and it didnt even realise that i have that many error logs:)

Yeah, the value of that param is 1. when I start Palworld, a white window (only completely white except its title bar) will appear, it should be UE4SS's Gui Console but it becomes a white window.

I have already checked that log file, I didn't find any error output.

Sheodar commented 5 months ago

Same. Just a white screen: image Game also crashing when i'm trying back to main screen: https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/issues/356

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

whatever Pak i install, even if i dont install any Pak, the Gui Console always doesnt appear. By the way, in my case, almost all Pak dont load because it prints "ModClass is not valid", im sure that those mods' structures are correct.

did you set the console parameter within the UE4SS settings file to 1? mine was 0 before and it didnt even realise that i have that many error logs:)

Yeah, the value of that param is 1. when I start Palworld, a white window (only completely white except its title bar) will appear, it should be UE4SS's Gui Console but it becomes a white window.

I have already checked that log file, I didn't find any error output.

Same. Just a white screen: Game also crashing when i'm trying back to main screen: #356

For the white screen, try changing GraphicsAPI in UE4SS-settings.ini to dx11

theoldcrane commented 5 months ago

i tried to completely reinstall UE4SS, removed all mods and added them back one by one. All mods that go into the: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods work perfectly and without any error log. As soon as i add one .pak file to this path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods the error logs are back.

giuliano-macedo commented 5 months ago

I'm getting the same error with a mod that I created using PalworldModdingKit that is similar to this example

UE4SS commented 4 months ago

Is everyone here sure that they've installed each mod in the correct locations ?

The following need to be installed into Content/Paks/LogicMods: DekResetStats_P PalAnalyzer StorageIntergration

The following need to be installed into Content/Paks/~mods: progressiveBases_P OreCrusher_P (Instructions says Content/Paks, so try that first, and if not working, try ~mods) RagundahsPalVariants (Instructions says Content/Paks, so try that first, and if not working, try ~mods)

The following are unknown, no instructions, and zip structure doesn't make sense, or I couldn't find the mod, please try LogicMods, ~mods, and then just Paks, and you should leave these mods disabled until you get all the other ones working together and then enable these one by one: penguin_p WeaselDragon

Installing mods that aren't supposed to be loaded by UE4SS in the LogicMods directory will generate the "ModClass is not valid" error. In a future version of UE4SS, this error will be treated as a warning instead which will let other LogicMods mods still be loaded, but the ones incorrectly placed in LogicMods still need to be moved to their correct location to be loaded.

@giuliano-macedo Your issue might be separate since you've created your own mod with a ModActor in it, so there shouldn't really be any reason for you to get this error unless you've made a mistake when creating your ModActor class.

UE4SS commented 4 months ago

I'm getting the same error with a mod that I created using PalworldModdingKit that is similar to this example

I've seen someone say that you shouldn't name UE4SS pak files with the _P suffix, try removing the suffix if you have it.

theoldcrane commented 4 months ago

Is everyone here sure that they've installed each mod in the correct locations ?

The following need to be installed into Content/Paks/LogicMods: DekResetStats_P PalAnalyzer StorageIntergration

The following need to be installed into Content/Paks/~mods: progressiveBases_P OreCrusher_P (Instructions says Content/Paks, so try that first, and if not working, try ~mods) RagundahsPalVariants (Instructions says Content/Paks, so try that first, and if not working, try ~mods)

The following are unknown, no instructions, and zip structure doesn't make sense, or I couldn't find the mod, please try LogicMods, ~mods, and then just Paks, and you should leave these mods disabled until you get all the other ones working together and then enable these one by one: penguin_p WeaselDragon

Installing mods that aren't supposed to be loaded by UE4SS in the LogicMods directory will generate the "ModClass is not valid" error. In a future version of UE4SS, this error will be treated as a warning instead which will let other LogicMods mods still be loaded, but the ones incorrectly placed in LogicMods still need to be moved to their correct location to be loaded.

@giuliano-macedo Your issue might be separate since you've created your own mod with a ModActor in it, so there shouldn't really be any reason for you to get this error unless you've made a mistake when creating your ModActor class.

man i feel ashamed.. i add mods to games since oblivion and was sooo sure i have done everything correctly. But man you are right.. i put some of these mods into the logicmods folder even if it said: /~mods or /mods or even /MOD now i put every mod into his right folder and BAM no more error logs. Sorry for making such a fuss when the error was clearly on my side. Thanks for the Help and i will make sure to follow instruction more detailed and stopp thinking: "Ahh no need to read installation notes, i know where to put this.." have a nice weekend, i'll be of to play some palworld without error logs;)

giuliano-macedo commented 4 months ago

@UE4SS You are absolutely right, I was putting my ModActor in the wrong dir: It should be: /Content/Mods/<ModName>/ModActor but it was /Content/Mods/ModActor

Thanks for the help, sorry for the off topic comment, I though that it was related since it was the same error

cetusk commented 4 months ago

For the white screen, try changing GraphicsAPI in UE4SS-settings.ini to dx11

I had same situation of "white screen". I solved by change parameter GraphicsAPI in UE4SS-settings.ini according to @UE4SS, thanks.

; The API that will be used to render the GUI debug window.
; Valid values (case-insensitive): dx11, d3d11, opengl
; Default: opengl
; GraphicsAPI = opengl
GraphicsAPI = dx11
Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 1 month ago

Game : soulmask UE 4.27 UE4SS 3.0.1 Tried all of the above, no errors in the logs, but the GUI won't pop up! Lowering the UE4SS version doesn't work, nor does F10.

And you installed the dev version and/or set these two settings to 1 GuiConsoleEnabled/GuiConsoleVisible?