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[BUG - CI] CI fails during checkout (again, different error) #510

Closed UE4SS closed 6 months ago

UE4SS commented 6 months ago

This is a different error than the one we used to run into constantly before. This new error has shown up twice in a row so far. See: https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/actions/runs/9127615715/job/25098260556

Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 6 months ago

The commit sha of UEPseudo main is: 648ef9d93215869772a36757c35bcceab8757fe9, which does not match up with the sha it's trying to checkout. So clearly the submodule has been updated incorrectly.

Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 6 months ago

Hmm, after 5.4 support merged on UEPseudo, and trying to run update submodule release action, it fails to find latest commit... something is definately very broken... 🤔


Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 6 months ago

Fixed by pushing valid hash