Injectable LUA scripting system, SDK generator, live property editor and other dumping utilities for UE4/5 games
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[BUG - Release] Can't Add Font in Imgui #641

Open 3DMXM opened 1 month ago

3DMXM commented 1 month ago

Branch or Release WukongUE4SS 1.2

Game and Engine Version Game: Black Myth: Wukong Engine Version: 5.0

Describe the bug



class Wukong : public CppUserModBase
    int m_private_number{33};
    std::shared_ptr<GUI::GUITab> m_less_safe_tab{};
    bool show_demo_window = false;

    Wukong() : CppUserModBase()
        ModName = STR("Wukong");
        ModVersion = STR("1.0");
        ModDescription = STR("Gloss Trainer");
        ModAuthors = STR("小莫");

        register_tab(STR("Gloss Trainer"), [](CppUserModBase *instance)
            // In this callback, you can start rendering the contents of your tab with ImGui. 

            // You can access members of your mod class with the 'instance' param.
            auto mod = dynamic_cast<Wukong*>(instance);
            if (!mod)

            if (mod->show_demo_window)

            ImGui::Checkbox("Demo Window", &mod->show_demo_window); // Edit bools storing our window open/close state

            // You can access both public and private members.
            mod->render_some_stuff(mod->m_private_number); });

    ~Wukong() override {}

    auto on_update() -> void override

    auto on_unreal_init() -> void override

    auto on_ui_init() -> void override
        // It's critical that you enable ImGui if you intend to use ImGui within the context of UE4SS.
        // If you don't do this, a crash will occur as soon as ImGui tries to render anything, for example in your tab.

        ImGuiIO &io = ImGui::GetIO();
        io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard; // Enable Keyboard Controls
        io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad;  // Enable Gamepad Controls

        io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\msyh.ttc", 14.0f, nullptr, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesChineseFull());
    auto render_some_stuff(int Number) -> void
        auto calculated_value = Number + 1;
        ImGui::Text(std::format("calculated_value: {}", calculated_value).c_str());

Mod file Wukong.zip

inkydragon commented 2 weeks ago

I think maybe you need to modify UE4SS: https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/blob/d1a54788faf2e0a79cc599089b5b660d2fbbd694/UE4SS/src/GUI/GUI.cpp#L485-L487

like https://github.com/game-a11y/RE-UE4SS/commit/836fc3f77927005b25be665dfe8bae3c8942925a

Maybe we should add a config item that allows users to specify fonts in absolute paths?