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Open sketch folder gone. #37

Closed TCWORLD closed 10 years ago

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

There used to be a menu option to open the sketch folder in explorer (or Linux/mac equivalent), but this seems to have gone in the latest beta version. Could it be added back as it was handy to have :).

Also, the "Save HEX file to sketch folder" option in preferences doesn't seem to do anything any more. I have it selected, but the hex file doesn't get copied across.

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

You get access to the sketch folder internally to the IDE in the Files tab of the tree browser on the left.

I could add a context menu entry to each folder displayed in it to "open this folder in the OS" if you like.

I'll check up on the hex thing, it should copy...

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I see those, but essentially when looking at the .lss files I prefer to open them in Notepad++ as I can view side by side comparisons which is useful when optimising code. an open this folder in os button in the context menu would be fine :).

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

I think you'll like what I have just done...

You can now set an external editor command in preferences, in the form:


I have mine set to:


And as if by magic a new context menu entry appears on all files in the trees - Open in external editor - which is exactly what it does. Why would you need to open the locations in file browser windows now? ;)

Also there are Open in OS menus on various folders (all the folders in the file view, and the main sketch folder at the top of the project view).

Copying of HEX file is fixed too - it won't copy for an example sketch though, only your own sketches, which is as it should be.

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

I felt this was worth a new version upload. We're now on patch "o"...

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

The external editor command is great, like that :D Works well. Mine is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"::${filename}

Unfortunately, your attempt to fix copying of the hex file means I can now no longer compile anything, I just get: E:\Thomas\Downloads\Programs\EXE\uecide\hardware\compilers\avr-gcc/bin/avr-ar rcs C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\UECIDE\cache\tiny\attiny861at16\libcore:tiny_TinySoftwareUSART.a C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\Temp\build-96d2c59b-236d-455b-9da7-c0e3cd387bc8\TinySoftwareUSART.o E:\Thomas\Downloads\Programs\EXE\uecide\hardware\compilers\avr-gcc\bin\avr-ar: unable to rename 'C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\UECIDE\cache\tiny\attiny861at16\libcore:tiny_TinySoftwareUSART.a'; reason: Invalid argument Failed compiling libraries

Also the 'Open in OS' button doesn't do anything, I click it and nothing happens.

I have tried updating plugins, but the plugin manager seems to get stuck updating the list.

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

(Never mind about the plugin manager, it is stuck until I click inside the window and it suddenly works)

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

That error can't be anything to do with copying the hex. That's a problem compiling the core - something completely different. I think it's the new library management is adding core: in there which windows b0rks on as it's stupid.

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

Well, maybe not copying the hex, but the exact same sketch compiled fine before I downloaded beta "o" (I think I had "n" before).

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

The plugin manager slowness was the server's fault - caching not working since I upgraded the site. Fixed now.

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

Hmmm... I don't get that command at all. Why it's getting the core: in there I have no idea. Can you send me your sketch?

I get this command executed:

/home/matt/.uecide/compilers/avr-gcc/bin/avr-ar rcs /home/matt/.uecide/cache/tiny/attiny861at18/libCore_api.a /tmp/build-1e2302a9-713d-4456-adc5-47435c0d61f3/TinySoftwareSPI.o 
majenkotech commented 10 years ago

Ah no, don't bother, I have found it. Fixing now.

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

Here's a test one: https://gist.github.com/TCWORLD/c5ebcff16ce54d13acd6

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

You can't have been running n before - this bug was in n and maybe m as well... Just compiling p.

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

Fair enough, maybe it is my laptop that has 'n' (one of them does/did!). Whichever one you uploaded on the 9th at 8pm, that's the one I had on my desktop (I didn't overwrite the exe, just the jar file. Must remember to rename things, not overwrite them!).

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

Ok, P is up there. Try that out. I don't know why the open in OS wasn't working - I'm calling the exact same function that has always been called (Base.open(String path))...

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

That fixes the compile thing. No idea why open doesn't work, it just doesn't seem to do anything. For the moment I am content with the open in external editor, though it would be good to fix that.

majenkotech commented 10 years ago

I'll try switching to Base.openURL instead - it might have been using that before. Subtle difference - openURL uses "start"...

TCWORLD commented 10 years ago

As of beta 't', this is now working. Yay!