UF-Carpentry / Coordination

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Carpentry workshop organized by Dev on Feb 22-23 #1

Closed mjcollin closed 6 years ago

mjcollin commented 6 years ago

We had been tentatively scheduling a Feb workshop and had agreed to help Dev organize a workshop from the plant pathology group. Those items now overlap. We need to decide how to proceed.

I got this email from Dev last week:

Hi Matthew,

Our club would like to move ahead with organizing the Data Carpentry Workshop on Feb 22-23, 2018.

We want to focus on the “Data analysis and visualization in R” lesson.

I think the currently on-going carpentry workshop lesson plan (https://ufrmeetup.github.io/2018-01-18-UF-R/) would be a perfect fit for us as well.

The idea would be to spread these lessons into a regular 2-day workshop type.

The workshop will be open to all. We are planning to charge $20 per person for a maximum of 30 people in order to offset money for lunch and coffee. Our club’s account is under UF Agronomy Department for financial purposes.

I have reserved Room 451 at the Cancer & Genetics Research Complex for the workshop.

In this regards, we would need help with:

Instructors Feedback on the schedule of lessons Eventbrite setup and fund transfer to club account Other relevant items that we are not aware of.

Please let me know what you think of this and we can talk in detail as we move forward.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

My reply:

Yes, great. I was hoping you would like to keep that date. The Carpentry elections are over so we have a real board now. Let's put this on our first meeting agenda, probably next week.

Some things to think about that we've learned/done since we last talked:

I'll email you soon with a meeting poll. Please let me know if there are others who would like to attend.

Cactusolo commented 6 years ago

It looks a perfect plan!

However, I have two comments about that:

dpaudel commented 6 years ago

We could do our workshop at a later date too, after the instructor training is over. Feb 22-23 was based on previous meetings. This idea might be better to avoid the overlap as well. If we could come up with a tentative week for our training then I will ask club members to see which date would be the best for everyone.

ha0ye commented 6 years ago

re: the overlap

To me, the primary concern there is that instructor time is limited, so "spending" it on a workshop that covers similar material on the same day potentially excludes people who can't make that day, or are in more need of other materials.

I am less concerned that it is because R has been covered too many times at UF. Saturation is a possibility, but I would bet it has more to do with us generating enough interest in the workshops. It would be worthwhile to discuss at upcoming board meetings how to generate roadmaps for attendees, and promoting workshops that people want to take and that they would benefit the most from (not necessarily the same thing.)

mjcollin commented 6 years ago

Closing due to lack of action.