UF-Carpentry / Coordination

Documentation and material for instructors and organizers
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Standardize communications at workshops #117

Open gaurav opened 5 years ago

gaurav commented 5 years ago

At our last board meeting, someone (@ha0ye?) suggested that we should standardize intro slides that would introduce workshop attendees to the UF Carpentries Club, let people know about joining us in helping and teaching workshops (such as eventually on our website at #82!).

Does anybody want to volunteer to take this on?

gklarenberg commented 5 years ago

I made a folder "9999-General resources" in the workshop info folder ("9999" makes sure it's on top...). I put the presentation in there that I did for the Genomics w/s. Which I based on some of Matt's intro presentations for previous workshops. I ran out of time to source pics of everyone for that presentation, but ideally we'd put photos of the instructors and helpers on there as well. I can add some slides on joining us, and make a few other templates, for dc and sc workshops - but the links will need to be updated whenever anyone uses them. Is this what we had in mind?

gaurav commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Geraldine! Are those slides publicly available somewhere? I'd like to link to it from https://github.com/uf-carpentry/coordination/wiki/Organizing-a-Workshop#during-workshop.

ha0ye commented 5 years ago

How about making a subfolder or separate folder of documents on Google Drive that are public?

gklarenberg commented 4 years ago

@elisemorrison @stuckyb As per our email conversation about presentation templates... I realized there was an issue opened on it. I guess where I put the presentation(s) was not a good place since I couldn't remember it without going here, lol