UF-Carpentry / Coordination

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Agenda items for Board Meeting on 2019, April 30 #97

Closed ha0ye closed 5 years ago

ha0ye commented 5 years ago

Here's a preliminary list - please add any agenda items that you'd like to discuss for our next meeting.

  1. Approve last week's minutes - https://github.com/UF-Carpentry/website/pull/35
  2. Status of travel awards
  3. Status of logo design
  4. TREC workshop (currently underway)
  5. Biodiversity Research Workshop (2019, May 06)
  6. ResBas planning
    • coordination with other groups (UF Libraries, UF DSI, UF Innovation Hub, Gainesville R-Ladies, ??)
  7. Long-term community building strategy
  8. Long-term workshop schedule
    • UF/USDA workshop (August?)
  9. Funding for Carpentries membership renewal
    • IFAS support for future REC workshops
  10. Need-based scholarship / fee reduction
  11. Backup laptops for workshop attendees
  12. Social media / website guidance
  13. chair and secretary for next meeting (May 14)
stuckyb commented 5 years ago

I received an email from Adam Rivers, a computational biologist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Gainesville, asking if we'd be interested in partnering with him to run a workshop open to both UF and USDA participants some time in August. (I believe Adam has remotely joined a board meeting or two in the past.) I told Adam we'd discuss this at our next meeting, and I've invited him to join us.

gaurav commented 5 years ago

For backup laptops: how far can we get on iPads borrowed from the UF Libraries? I'm guessing not far, but I figured I'd bring it up.

ha0ye commented 5 years ago

Ethan White is happy to loan out (up to 2) extra laptops from his lab for us to use (provided we handle wiping the hard drives and doing setup).

gaurav commented 5 years ago

I'm taking notes at https://hackmd.io/wvpQiFWjSwqf44kEc6heHw if you want to follow along!