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Geothermal Resources #57

Closed Mackenzie-Cope closed 2 years ago

Mackenzie-Cope commented 3 years ago

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Mackenzie-Cope commented 3 years ago

Mack Review

marshallrobinson commented 3 years ago

Geothermal energy is the heat that originates within the earth. It is thermal energy contained in the rock and fluid that fills the fractures and pores within the rock in the earth’s crust.

Geothermal energy is heat that originates within the earth. It is thermal energy contained in the rock and fluid that fills the fractures and pores within the earth’s crust.

mid-Atlantic ridge

Mid-Atlantic Ridge

I noticed that we're linking to the NGDS from this page. Can you check with Christian to make sure we still need this page?

-Under "Power Plants": the degree symbol needs to be superscript for 177oC (350oF) -Under "Commercial Greenhouses": the squared symbol needs to be superscript for: 102,200 m2 (1.1 million ft2), 4600-m2 (49,500-ft2), 8360 m2 (90,000 ft2), and 350,000 ft2

At the turn of the century, a resort with a geothermally heated pool was built.

At the turn of the century, a resort with a geothermally heated pool was built.

A total of 24 double plastic covered greenhouses are heated with the geothermal water year-round.

A total of 24 double-plastic-covered greenhouses are heated with the geothermal water year-round.

-Under "Resorts and Recreation": the degree symbol needs added to 95 in "95 to 115°F" -Under "Space Heating": the squared symbol needs to be superscript for 30,906 m2 (332,665 ft2)

Please check with MVB or Christian to see if the UGWG section can be removed completely.

Mackenzie-Cope commented 2 years ago

DONE -added superscripts and fixed wordings -emailed MVB and Christian about NGDS and UGWG, They said to leave both as they are for now until the new geothermal app is complete and the working group is revived.

Mackenzie-Cope commented 2 years ago

MDH Comments: Geothermal Resources, second bullet: Insert hyphen between “high” and “permeability” (Relatively high-permeability reservoir rock)

“Boiling mud pots” photo caption: Delete “Area 1.”

“Hot pot” photo caption: At end of first sentence, add “in Midway, Wasatch County” (...the Homestead Crater in Midway, Wasatch County.)

Text beneath photos, first paragraph, second sentence: Change “lithosphere” to “lithospheric” (lithospheric plates).

Text beneath photos, second paragraph: Change “inter-granular” to “intergranular”.

Geothermal Use in Utah, third bullet: Change “ground water” to “groundwater” (one word). Also, is “space conditioning” wording correct?

Drop-down info under Geothermal Use in Utah: I suspect much of this info is in need of updates. Maybe at some point it can be recast in a more general way so that periodic updates aren’t needed?

FORGE is notable by its absence on this page. Shouldn’t there be at least a short section, with a link to the Utah FORGE website? Also, I think MP-169 should be included in the list of Highlighted Scientific Publications.

jackie-dewolfe commented 2 years ago

All addressed but the last comment.

Mackenzie-Cope commented 2 years ago

Looks good, I added a FORGE tab section that links to the FORGE site and MP-169. I also added MP-169 to the highlighted pubs section at the bottom.