UGS-GIO / geohaz

UGS Geologic Hazards Portal web application that compiles a large data set of geologic hazards data and displays it on an interactive web map
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Idea - consider adding the quaternary fault mapping constraint and dip direction to the description in the report tool #68

Open marthajensen opened 3 years ago

marthajensen commented 3 years ago

In the reporting tool, the quaternary fault descriptions appear to repeat in some areas.

For example, in the Area of Interest below: image

The descriptive output for the quaternary faults in the AOI is: image

The 'repeat' faults shown in the AOI actually have different mapping constraints and dip directions, but we have excluded that information from the reporting tool. I think we should consider including them so that it doesn't look like we are repeating the same data over and over. This would be a fairly easy fix in our workflow - I would only need to concatenate the two extra pieces of information into the Description field. Then I could republish the one table that feeds this area of the reporting tool.

@JCastleton @emkleb we should meet and discuss this.