UGS-GIO / wetlands

UGS Wetlands web application that compiles a large data set of Utah wetlands data and displays is on an interactive web map
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Update text in database contents and references #4

Closed wetlandsDiane closed 4 years ago

wetlandsDiane commented 4 years ago

In Database Contents


Under Mapping metadata, update text as follows (new text in bold)

Metadata are a description of wetland and riparian mapping projects, including the scale at which mapping was conducted and the imagery year used for the mapping. Some mapping projects include supplemental map information that describes the projects in more detail. The riparian metadata also depicts the project boundaries where riparian mapping has occurred; other wetland mapping projects do not include riparian data.

Under Wetland polygons, wetland outlines, and riverine features; change that title to say, "Wetland and riparian polygons, wetland outlines, and riverine features

Change text as follows; you will need to add back in the links as indicated and I wasn't sure how to show the text that needs to be deleted. Changes are in bold. Wetlands and riparian spatial data were produced from a combination of aerial imagery examination and on-the-ground assessment and are not meant to be used as the basis for a jurisdictional wetland delineation. (delete wetland) Data are derived from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wetlands Inventory (link: (NWI) and are up-to-date as of May 3, 2020. NWI attributes wetlands with codes from the Cowardin Classification System; codes can be interpreted online (add link Polygons mapped as riverine are in a separate layer from other wetland features because of the large size of the data. Riverine features depict predominantly unvegetated habitat contained within a natural or artificial channel. Riparian data depict non-wetland areas along streams, rivers, and lakes that have distinct or distinctly more vigorous vegetation compared to adjacent areas; mapping follows standards laid out in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2009). In the project areas where riparian features were mapped, they were mapped in conjunction with wetland features to produce a seamless dataset.

In References

Add: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2009), A system for mapping riparian areas in the western United States: Arlington, 43 p.