UGS-GIS / Ogden-7.5-Quad

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Ogden 7.5' quad #1

Open RosieUtah opened 2 years ago

RosieUtah commented 2 years ago

What GIS product are you requesting?

Edit existing GIS data

Check all that apply

Describe your requested GIS product.

Update Ogden 7.5' quad GIS data to our current UGS Mapping GIS schema. Recreate the quad for a DR publication. Complete a GeMS conversion on the data.

When is this GIS product needed?

June 30 2022

How Urgent is this?


If high urgency, please explain.

No response

Where is existing GIS, map and/or supporting info currently stored?

Google shared drive

Where to save new GIS product?


Please list Project Code to charge time.


CyndiAndersen commented 2 years ago

STATEMAP project How To build a Geologic Map

Ogden Questions

4/7/2022 Cyndi Andersen, Wed 9:14 AM Yes. We have a group of features in the Symbols that are not listed in the MasterFeatureList. What do we do with those?

Cyndi Andersen, Wed 9:17 AM Or there are 'Arrow2' records not Arrow... are they the same? Arrow filled and Arrow open

Rosemary Fasselin, Wed 9:21 AM Yes, so the "Orig" data will probably not match what's in our schema exactly. To help figure out what these should be, I would zoom into the map and look at the symbol. From there, you can look at Plate 2 or look at our current feature symbology (which should come through once you have fonts installed) to match it.

Looking at your first screenshot, I'm guessing those points should be Layer641 -- Fault, ball and bar

These are points we manually place on lines to "decorate" them for good cartography rather than auto-decorating the lines. As far as the arrows go, again, you'll want to try to match the symbology between the published map and the current symbols. So if on your map it's a filled in arrow, I would use our current Layer635 --- Arrow, filled I'm sorry I can't be more help without seeing the symbol on the map

Rosemary Fasselin, Wed 9:27 AM The first screen shot is definitely the bar and ball symbols -- Layer641

Cyndi Andersen, Wed 9:31 AM ok thanks!

Rosemary Fasselin, Wed 9:32 AM For that second one, there are two points at each location. The one that looks like an arrow is Layer656 The other symbol you'll want to look at Plate 2 to help you... but I think it will be some kind of foliation point You just have to figure out which one There are PDFs of our Styles in the 3-Templates folder. Those might help you with this process. One of them is called UGS_GeologicSymbols_20210330.pdf

Cyndi Andersen, Wed 9:56 AM Thanks!

Cyndi Andersen, Wed 10:08 AM Another question... on the Symbols pdf, when there is a comma, does that mean the value goes into different fields?

Rosemary Fasselin, Wed 10:29 AM Sorry for the delay No, it all goes into one field. It should match the value in the Feature field of the Master Feature List I though those PDFs might be helpful because they show the symbol as well as the Layer value; but you should still use the Master Feature List

Cyndi Andersen, Wed 10:30 AM ok... thanks

Rosemary Fasselin, Wed 10:30 AM 👍

4/11/2022 Cyndi Andersen, 28 min Good morning Rosemary! Question for you about the GeologicUnit_Centroids. Should we only confirm the value matches the geo.tiff? or do any of the fields need populated too?

Rosemary Fasselin, 22 min Good morning! I was just going to send you an email that I'll work on some of the questions you have in that document. Also, I'm feeling a big under the weather so I don't know how long I'll last today.

Anyways, about centroids -- yes, make sure the value for UnitSymbol matches what's on the GeoTiff. If you come across some special characters, let me know and I can tell you what those should be in the regular 26 letters of our alphabet. I can put some screenshots in the document if you want. Also, yes, the other fields need to ultimately be populated. Usually, we get an Excel file called something like "Ogden_GISAttributes" with the package that can be used to help with this. When that's not available, we have to make one using the booklet. I will check to see if one of those tables is available but I doubt it. I have a little document that can help with how to construct that table (which is basically the "Description of Map Units" or DMU without colored boxes).

Cyndi Andersen, 19 min That would be great!

Rosemary Fasselin, 15 min 👍

Cyndi Andersen, 11 min Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. It doesn't look like there is an associated GIS Attributes.xls, so whatever you can provide would be great! Thank you!

Rosemary Fasselin, 10 min Thanks, I don't know what's going on but am hoping I just did too much work in the sun this weekend.

It's pretty hit and miss with older data packages including the GIS Attributes table. I'll take another look at the publication on our website but I think I remember thinking this will have to be constructed from scratch.

CyndiAndersen commented 2 years ago

This was assigned to Subi. It is now under review with Adam M.