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Broken Leaf Pile Texture #119

Closed mxnmnm closed 4 months ago

mxnmnm commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug Enchanted birch leaf piles can have a missing texture under certain conditions

Log https://gist.github.com/mxnmnm/5462c46e15712d11e6683d784f499228

How To Reproduce Go to mauve hills biome (it doesn't work in all biomes and this is the one where I noticed the issue) Place an enchanted birch leaf pile with 3 leaves

Version Minecraft Version: 1.20.1

Modloader Version: neoforge 47.1.84

Mod Version:

Screenshots 2024-02-09_06 53 47

UHQ-GAMES commented 4 months ago

hmm thats odd, doesnt seem to happen when the mods on its own, maybe somehow another mod is causing it? doesnt seem to mention it in the log either

UHQ-GAMES commented 4 months ago

sadly I'm not able to replicate this, best I can say is make sure everything including mods, loader, drivers etc. are up to date.

mxnmnm commented 4 months ago

I can't recreate it either and it happened with other vanilla blocks in specific worlds so I honestly don't know... Probably not this mod tho considering it happened to other vanilla blocks

UHQ-GAMES commented 4 months ago

yeaa if i had more info id give it to ya but sadly i cant find any info on it