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Breaking Cobalt Nylium gives Netherrack #130

Closed CrystalZink closed 4 months ago

CrystalZink commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug Okay so basically Cobalt Nylium, a block made of blackstone, gives you netherrack when broken

Crash Logs Please add crash logs or latest logs to allow us to identify the error. no crash unga bunga

How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the bug: break cobalt nylium

Version Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 - Forge

Modloader Version: 47.2.20

Mod Version: 0.5.4

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

UHQ-GAMES commented 4 months ago

will fix for 0.5.5

UHQ-GAMES commented 4 months ago

fixed in 0.5.5 06b1900b1a49e897e8c5d4fc7f9dee58b436359d