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Bug Report #147

Open OminousDiscovery opened 2 months ago

OminousDiscovery commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug The game crashes and it says something about regions unexplored oak branch. My guess is that a T-rex from The Dawn Era knocked down a Regions Unexplored Tree and then it didnt know what to do with the branch so it crashed.

Crash Logs latest.log

How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the bug: Okay so I think its get a Dawn Era T-Rex to knock down a Regions Unexplored tree that has a branch and then it will crash (btw DawnEra uses the full name for T-rex but idk how to spell so)

Version Minecraft Version: 1.20.1

Modloader Version: Forge 47.2.23

Mod Version: Regions Unexplored - 0.5.5 The Dawn Era - 0.58.94

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.