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Leaves are pushable by piston and conduct redstone #156

Open SilverDavidMC opened 1 month ago

SilverDavidMC commented 1 month ago

Edit: I meant that it conducts redstone, not that it suffocates. Got tired and mixed up.

Describe the bug This is two in one. Leaves from this mod can be pushed by pistons, and also cause suffocation to mobs inside of them. and conduct redstone.

How To Reproduce Push a leaf block from this mod with a piston. It should destroy the leaves, but instead they get pushed. This affects tree farms with leaf crusher systems.

Put an entity's head inside leaf blocks. The leaves should not cause suffocation, but they do. Visible in survival while riding a horse and having your head clip into the leaves.

Version Minecraft Version: 1.20.4

Mod Version: 0.5.5