Closed sinairusinek closed 9 months ago
Seems that saving the "different" links is causing the system to save new lines in the place_geom table for the false matches.
Also here, and also the "different" links appear again in "original" for some reason:
To fix the falsely added geoms we can use a query like this one:
SELECT , td.dataset_2::int as other_dataset , as other_place_id,
pl."jsonb"->>'type' as relation_type, pl."jsonb" , pg."jsonb"
place_geom pg
place_link pl
pg.task_id = pl.task_id
join public.task_dsids TD on TD.task_id = pg.task_id join places p on p.src_id = replace((pg."jsonb"->'citation')::jsonb->>'id','match_data:','') join datasets d on p.dataset = d."label"
pg.task_id = '031198fe-89f5-4b72-9f65-88e86924b78e' and = td.dataset_2::int and split_part(pl."jsonb"->>'identifier',':',2)::int = and (pl."jsonb"->>'type' is null or pl."jsonb"->>'type' = 'different');
Some of the confusion is coming from the fact that the places have matches in different tasks. The review screen should only show the locations on the map of the places beeing reviewed in this task.
This is the background table place:geoms:
But the data from here should only be taken for the place under review. For the suggested matches, the data should be taken from the hits table:
Seems that the script elements container is being processed into the geoms element which is then used to populate the map:
for (i = 0; i < gelems.length; i++) {
console.log("Processing script element:", gelems[i].id, gelems[i].text);
let t_geom = cleanJson(gelems[i].text)
t_geom['properties'] = {"id": gelems[i].id, "ds": t_geom.ds != null ? t_geom.ds : ds}
But there are five elements being processed instead of three. One extra element is from the wrong task.
The plot thickens... it seems that the problem is coming from the hits table. Each hit should represent a single match candidate, but some of these match candidates where previously mapped to other datasets and therefore acquired superfluous location information in their place_geoms table (this was fixed earlier in this issue).
This is an example of a problematic geoms element:
{"ds": "md", "id": "U38", "type": "Point", "citation":
{"id": "match_data:MILA_062E364N_S", "label": "WHG"}
, "coordinates": [6.2883, 36.4248]
,{"ds": "md", "id": "U38", "type": "Point", "citation": {"id": "match_data:MILA_062E364N_S", "label": "WHG"},
"coordinates": [6.2883, 36.4248]
{"ds": "md", "id": "U38", "type": "Point", "citation": {"id": "match_data:dig05341", "label": "WHG"},
"coordinates": [57.3, 22.96666667]
This is from task_id = 'e26d945b-37a1-4ace-b98f-471e4ecd3b8c' and place_id = 159469
(matching DamastArabic to
to the context of the browse screen that contains the first place_geom record for the target record. window.geom_as_json
with this json to be used later in the map init function.geom
to the hits_supplemental context element of the browse screen that contains the first geom of the hit takend from the place_geoms table for the place represented by this hit. The next step is to find a way to populate a javascript variable (window.other_geoms ?) from the hit_supplemental and then the next step is to populate the map with these variables.
Found the piece of code currently generating small script tags that get picked up by the filter:
{% for g in record.geoms.all %}
{{ g.jsonb|safe| }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="record" id="place_detail">
Need to modify this to take the geoms from the hits_supplemental and to mark it in a better way for the jquery to pick up becuase currently it is picking up stuff like the dashlane plugin.
replaced the code above such that only a single geom is picked up for the target place and this is taken from the geom_as_json context variable.
ok, replaced the code for the candidate place mapping but this did something strange adding a point for some other place - 95134. The console shows only one place getting added when processing the hits. Should be two places and their ids should match the flash marker id.
@sinairusinek the problem is mostly solved. Two issues remain:
Review screen fixed
Why are there four colors?
This happens both in the browsing and in the matching maps.