UI-Lovelace-Minimalist / UI

UI-Lovelace-Minimalist is a "theme" for HomeAssistant
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Button-card template 'card_person_info' is missing! #1459

Open deanfourie1 opened 9 months ago

deanfourie1 commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug Card will not load when attempting to use the Person Info Card here.


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Copy the text from the previous link for custom_card_person_info.yaml to ui_lovelace_minimalst/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info.yaml
  2. Add the text from the lovelace card to my lovelace dashboard
  3. Card does not show but shows "Button-card template 'card_person_info' is missing!"

Expected behavior A clean person card to display


Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Screenshot 2024-02-18 003549

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Related Logs (can be found in the browser-console (F12)) Add related logs for the problem

Related Card Config Add the card config from ui-lovelace.yaml with the related problem

    - "icon_info_bg"
    - "ulm_translation_engine"
    ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: false
    ulm_card_person_zone1: ""
    ulm_card_person_zone2: ""
    ulm_address: ""
    ulm_address_locality: ""
    ulm_card_person_driving_entity: ""
    ulm_card_person_battery_entity: ""
    ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: ""
    ulm_card_person_commute_entity: ""
    ulm_card_person_cummute_icon: "mdi:car"
    ulm_multiline: true
  triggers_update: "all"
    action: "more-info"
    entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_entity; ]]]"
  show_label: true
  show_name: true
  label: >
      if (variables.ulm_address){
        return states[variables.ulm_address].state;
      } else if (variables.ulm_address_locality){
        return states[variables.ulm_address_locality].attributes.Locality;
      else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_driving_entity]?.state === "on") {
        let state = states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
        return `Driving - ${variables.ulm_translation_state}`;
      } else {
        let state = states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
        return hass.resources[hass["language"]]["component.person.entity_component._.state." + state] ? hass.resources[hass["language"]]["component.person.entity_component._.state." + state] : state;
  name: "[[[ return states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].attributes.friendly_name ]]]"
  entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_entity; ]]]"
  icon: "mdi:face-man"
  show_entity_picture: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture ]]]"
    "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture != false ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].attributes.entity_picture\
    \ : null ]]]"
      - grid-template-areas: >
            return variables.ulm_multiline
              ? "'i n' 'i l' 'battery commute'"
              : "'i n battery' 'i l commute'"
      - grid-template-columns: >
            return variables.ulm_multiline
              ? "min-content auto"
              : "min-content auto min-content"
      - grid-template-rows: "min-content min-content"
      - color: "rgba(var(--color-theme),0.9)"
      - width: >
            if (variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture !== true){
              return "20px";
            } else {
              return "42px";
      - place-self: >
            if (variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture !== true){
              return "center";
            } else {
              return "stretch stretch";
        - border-radius: "50%"
        - position: "absolute"
        - left: "38px"
        - top: "8px"
        - height: "16px"
        - width: "16px"
        - border: "2px solid var(--card-background-color)"
        - font-size: "12px"
        - line-height: "14px"
        - background-color: >
              if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_driving_entity]?.state === "on") {
                return "rgba(var(--color-red),1)";
              } else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state !== 'home') {
                return "rgba(var(--color-green),1)";
              } else {
                return "rgba(var(--color-blue),1)";
        - align-self: "middle"
        - justify-self: "start"
        - display: "flex"
        - align-items: "center"
        - margin-top: >
              return variables.ulm_multiline ? "6px" : "0";
        - font-size: "12px"
        - align-self: "middle"
        - justify-self: "end"
        - display: "flex"
        - align-items: "center"
        - margin-top: "6px"
        - font-size: "12px"

    notification: >
        if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_driving_entity]?.state === "on") {
          var icon = 'mdi:car'
          return '<ha-icon icon="' + icon + '" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>';
        } else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state !== 'home') {
          if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1]?.attributes?.friendly_name) {
            var icon = states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1].attributes.icon !== null ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1].attributes.icon : 'mdi:help-circle'
            return '<ha-icon icon="' + icon + '" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>';
          } else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2]?.attributes?.friendly_name) {
            var icon = states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2].attributes.icon !== null ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2].attributes.icon : 'mdi:help-circle'
            return '<ha-icon icon="' + icon + '" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>';
          } else {
            return '<ha-icon icon="mdi:home-minus" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>';
        } else {
          return '<ha-icon icon="mdi:home-variant" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>';
    battery: >
        if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity]?.state) {
          var battery = states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity]?.state;
          var charging = states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity]?.state.toLowerCase() === "charging";
          var iconBase = charging ? "mdi:battery-charging" : "mdi:battery"
          var roundedBattery = Math.ceil(battery / 10) * 10;
          var icon = roundedBattery === 100 ? iconBase : `${iconBase}-${roundedBattery}`;
          var foo = "mdi:battery"
          var color = "rgba(var(--color-green),1)";
          if (battery <= 50) {
            color = "rgba(var(--color-yellow),1)"
          } else if (battery <= 25) {
            color = "rgba(var(--color-red),1)"
          return `
            <ha-icon icon="${icon}" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; font-size: 14px; color: ${color}; margin: 0 2px 0 0"></ha-icon>
            <span style="padding-top: 6px;">${battery}%</span>
    commute: >
        if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_commute_entity]?.state) {
          var icon = variables.ulm_card_person_commute_icon || "mdi:car";
          var commute = states[variables.ulm_card_person_commute_entity]?.state;
          var color = "rgba(var(--color-green),1)";
          if (commute >= 30) {
            color = "rgba(var(--color-yellow),1)"
          if (commute >= 60) {
            color = "rgba(var(--color-red),1)"
          return `
            <ha-icon icon="${icon}" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; font-size: 14px; color: ${color}; margin: 0 2px 0 0"></ha-icon>
            <span style="padding-top: 6px;">${commute} min</span>

type: custom:button-card
template: card_person_info
  ulm_card_person_entity: person.lee
  ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: true
  ulm_card_person_zone1: zone.uw
  ulm_card_person_zone2: zone.store
  ulm_multiline: true
  ulm_card_person_driving_entity: binary_sensor.lee_in_car
  ulm_card_person_commute_entity: sensor.uw_commute
  ulm_card_person_commute_icon: mdi:bus
  ulm_card_person_battery_entity: sensor.lees_phone_battery_level
  ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: sensor.lees_phone_battery_state
Titou84240 commented 4 months ago

Hi , i have the same issue here , did you managed to find anything ?

AndreasMouskos commented 3 months ago

Same issue for me

Titou84240 commented 3 months ago

Hi Just to tell you , i manage to make it work :

  1. Here is the code i use for me for e.g :

- type: "custom:button-card" template: card_person_info variables: ulm_card_person_entity: person.admin ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: true ulm_card_person_zone1: zone.home ulm_card_person_zone2: zone.travail ulm_multiline: true ulm_address: sensor.iphone_de_christophe_geocoded_location ulm_card_person_battery_entity: sensor.iphone_de_christophe_battery_level ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: sensor.iphone_de_christophe_battery_state

I found out also that redownloading "button-card" in HACS was usefull , hope it helps.

yannik2480 commented 2 weeks ago
