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Change font size of x-axis labels #178

Closed vivhou closed 7 years ago

vivhou commented 7 years ago

When a single word because multi-lines, I'm guessing the solution to this would be to make the font smaller? This example is 03_01821.json and 03_01822.json in prices-and-expenses/forgone-earnings: screen shot 2016-12-28 at 11 28 24 am

vivhou commented 7 years ago

i'm guessing this is a css thing, but i couldn't find the .c3-axis-x .tick classes in the index.html file

bchartoff commented 7 years ago

We shouldn't be changing font sizes, since they're set where they are based on legibility standards. Will rotating this chart 90 degrees solve the issue @vivhou ? How many charts have this problem?

vivhou commented 7 years ago

We could do that, although this set of multiples belongs to 3 sets of multiples, so we should probably rotate all 3 sets right? Note that Elizabeth needs to adjust the titles (originally this should've been a toggle with one title) screen shot 2017-01-03 at 10 38 40 am

bchartoff commented 7 years ago

Yes rotating all 3 makes sense, if that solves the problem.

Are there other graphs where this is an issue?

vivhou commented 7 years ago

No, I've rotated others where this has been an issue