UIUCLibrary / Digital-Exhibits-Issues-Features

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Paginator does not match returned results #13

Open alexdryden opened 2 months ago

alexdryden commented 2 months ago

After clicking the "Browse all" from a browse preview page, the number of results on the page does not match the number of results listed in the paginator: https://exhibits.library.illinois.edu/s/voices-of-illinois/item-set?resource_template_id%5B%5D=29&has_markers=&mapping_address=&mapping_radius=&mapping_radius_unit=km Or, removing the meaningless mapping params: https://exhibits.library.illinois.edu/s/voices-of-illinois/item-set?resource_template_id%5B%5D=29

This is not reproducible in a dev environment, so it is likely not an underlying application bug. I notices when moving the the second page and then back to the first page, the results honored the site item per page limit and the paginator. As a quick fix, I added the page number to the query for the browse preview and it resolves the side effects of the mystery issue: New query: resource_template_id%5B%5D=29&page=1

alexdryden commented 2 months ago

@spenserbailey I'm keeping this open but the effect should be resolved and you should be able to repeat these steps to address this issue anywhere else. In the Search query field for the browse preview, select Advanced edit and add &page=1 to the end of the query.