UKDRI / ECR-Informatics-Committee

A repo for the UK DRI Early Career Researchers Informatics Committee. Containing useful information such as the committee charter, and kanban boards for our projects.
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set-up Github pages in UKDRI repo: reproducility resources / ECR event page / ... (Dave) #6

Open CAmaat opened 1 year ago

davecash75 commented 11 months ago

You can assign this one to me. I can see this repo, but I cannot yet assign myself to this yet. The main to-do's here:

H-Mateus commented 11 months ago

Whilst I think hacker looks cool, I quite like minima personally

Would there be any particular downside to just using the gh-pages branch of this repo? It seems like the simplest option to me, so if there's no major benefit to having a separate repo, my feeling is to keep it simple 🤔

I've no strong feelings on the domain aspect 🤷

davecash75 commented 11 months ago

It doesn't tend to matter much. We tend to use gh-pages for a lot of things. It tends to be a pretty independent branch to the rest of the code when it is tied to a certain repository. A separate repository works well when it is a standalone website that you don't want to link to the repository. As for the domain, some people don't always like the domain, but I don't have strong feelings either myself. I guess if the DRI wants it somehow within their domain that would be a bigger driver.