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Laser Cutter Advisory Information #6

Open syberphunk opened 7 years ago

idnorton commented 7 years ago

This is well worth referencing when we get to this:

amunizp commented 7 years ago

specific H&S to be mentioned as well?

amunizp commented 6 years ago

Also guidance of materials to use has been a point in our space.

idnorton commented 6 years ago

So suggested titles:


Types of laser

Axis/artefacts of movement


Extraction and fume control

Cooling for tubes



Software and compatability

Remember that the aim of the top level document is to give someone who knows nothing about laser cutters the facts that they need to make an informed choice.

Specific examples of what people have done and how that's worked for them should be kept to the case studies.

@amunizp hopefully that gives an idea of headings?

idnorton commented 6 years ago

Oh, totally forgot:



idnorton commented 6 years ago

Possibly also:

Should mention about high voltages associated with tubes in the tube section.

amunizp commented 6 years ago

I would change the title of '''safety ''' to '''safety & materials''' . Materials seems to be one of the first questions people seem to ask. ''What can it cut?''.

This makes me think that rather than having ''types of laser'' we should have ''what do you want to cut?''. More end user focus. In some occasions this might be pointing towards other similar machines such as wire eroding, vynl cutting, or even CNC machining.

So a compromise would be:

Choose your cutter

By price

By Material

By technology

But this has a high risk of needed an actual database management. But a simple colapsable table should suffice.

For simplicity, I would leave it as it is and we can listen to feedback.