UKHomeOffice / engineering-guidance-and-standards

Engineering Guidance and Standards for the Home Office
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Catch problems early (Shift quality left) pattern #244

Closed robertdeniszczyc2 closed 9 months ago

robertdeniszczyc2 commented 10 months ago

Our engineering patterns are example solutions for addressing problems, meeting standards and living our engineering principles. They should make it easier for engineers to do their jobs. We don't have a standard way of writing patterns as we like to be a bit more flexible with their structure. Please provide us with some information on what you are proposing below

What is the pattern you are suggesting? Catch problems early (shift quality left)

What would be the benefit to the Home Office of following this pattern Why this is important It's important to catch problems early for the following reasons:

Any problems can be addressed more quickly. Tighter feedback loop. Allows problems with changes to be fixed while it is still fresh in the developer's head. Reduces development and test effort to deliver a change, as issues can be caught before a formal test phase. Problems can be caught before they can impact on your users, which will increase your users' confidence in your service.

Reduces the risk of adverse changes entering the product. Overall; this allows for faster iteration, whilst maintaining the quality of your service.

How do people implement this pattern You should:

Enable developers to test their changes in a local development environment Developers should be able to spin up a copy of the environment on their local machine Define staging environments, the testing to be done in those environments, and the progression criteria Have staging environments that match the production environment as closely as possible Test changes in a CI pipeline before they reach a staging environment (for example, run unit & functional tests) Test changes in staging environments before they reach production (for example, run system-wide and integration tests)

Additional information Add any other information you think would be useful here

robertdeniszczyc2 commented 10 months ago


edhamiltonHO commented 10 months ago

Can also reference shifting security checks and tests left as per this article from Snyk