UKPLab / acl2017-neural_end2end_am

Accompanying code for our ACL-2017 publication on Neural End-to-End Learning for Computational Argumentation Mining
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some thing about the environment configuration #2

Closed bbruceyuan closed 5 years ago

bbruceyuan commented 6 years ago


I am really interest in your great work in AM. Some problems confused me a long time when I tried my best to reproduce the result of your paper.

thank you very much

SteffenEger commented 6 years ago


thanks for your interest.

Concerning problem 1: If they set up something new, I don't unfortunately know what to do in case it doesn't work anymore.

Concerning problem 2: Does it run with theano version 0.9.0? I'm unfortunately not sure anymore which version we used at the time.

Finally, I recommend you try this implementation in the mean time:

I think it's both faster and more user-friendly than the other implementations, but implementing the same model.