Open Matthieu-Tinycoaching opened 2 years ago
Hi @Matthieu-Tinycoaching, sorry for the delay.
This issue is related to the dependencies of BeIR. Here I invite @NThakur20 to answer your question.
But as a quick remedy, I think one can first install tensorflow manually and then do the pip install gpl to bypass the tensorflow installaton.
Hi @Matthieu-Tinycoaching,
The issue is occurring while installing TensorFlow for beir. In my next master and pip release of beir, soon the dependency on TF will go away. If you check already here in the development branch: (, it is listed as an optional requirement.
I would suggest what @kwang2049 suggests to do.
Kind Regards, Nandan Thakur
Thanks @kwang2049 @NThakur20 this worked indeed.
However, I would like to benefit from my personal GPU card on local computer and it seems that pip install gpl
didn't install GPU versions of torch
(v.1.10.2.) and tensorflow
(v.2.8.0.) working with my CUDA
version which is v.11.0. Since installing CUDA drivers is very painful and time-consuming, would it be possible while installing GPL to install GPU versions of both frameworks working with CUDA
I just confirm that a GPU has a huge impact on training speed, factor 30 in my experiments and my single GPU (Tesla P40 24GB) I have a Dockerfile which setups cuda and all needed for GPU / gpl to work.
I could contribute it here, if usefull
Thanks for reporting this issue. I found BeIR has just excluded tensorflow in requirements. This means in theory gpl could also work without it. I will dig into this issue and make it tensorflow-free:).
I went through the entire TF mess (12 hours!) and was somehow able to avoid it with the following env on my new M1 :)
name: finetune_hs
- defaults
- ca-certificates=2022.4.26=hca03da5_0
- certifi=2022.6.15=py39hca03da5_0
- libcxx=12.0.0=hf6beb65_1
- libffi=3.4.2=hc377ac9_4
- ncurses=6.3=h1a28f6b_2
- openssl=1.1.1o=h1a28f6b_0
- pip=22.1.2=py39hca03da5_0
- python=3.9.12=hbdb9e5c_1
- readline=8.1.2=h1a28f6b_1
- sqlite=3.38.5=h1058600_0
- tk=8.6.12=hb8d0fd4_0
- tzdata=2022a=hda174b7_0
- wheel=0.37.1=pyhd3eb1b0_0
- xz=5.2.5=h1a28f6b_1
- zlib=1.2.12=h5a0b063_2
- pip:
- anyio==3.6.1
- appnope==0.1.3
- argon2-cffi==21.3.0
- argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0
- asttokens==2.0.5
- attrs==21.4.0
- babel==2.10.3
- backcall==0.2.0
- beautifulsoup4==4.11.1
- beir==1.0.0
- bleach==5.0.1
- cffi==1.15.0
- charset-normalizer==2.0.12
- click==8.1.3
- debugpy==1.6.0
- decorator==5.1.1
- defusedxml==0.7.1
- e==1.4.5
- easy-elasticsearch==0.0.7
- easyprocess==1.1
- elasticsearch==7.9.1
- entrypoint2==1.1
- entrypoints==0.4
- executing==0.8.3
- faiss-cpu==1.7.2
- fastjsonschema==2.15.3
- filelock==3.7.1
- gpl==0.1.1
- huggingface-hub==0.8.1
- idna==3.3
- importlib-metadata==4.12.0
- iprogress==0.4
- ipykernel==6.15.0
- ipython==8.4.0
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- jedi==0.18.1
- jinja2==3.1.2
- joblib==1.1.0
- json5==0.9.8
- jsonschema==4.6.0
- jupyter-client==7.3.4
- jupyter-core==4.10.0
- jupyter-server==1.18.0
- jupyterlab==3.4.3
- jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2
- jupyterlab-server==2.14.0
- markupsafe==2.1.1
- matplotlib-inline==0.1.3
- mistune==0.8.4
- nbclassic==0.3.7
- nbclient==0.6.4
- nbconvert==6.5.0
- nbformat==5.4.0
- nest-asyncio==1.5.5
- nltk==3.7
- notebook==6.4.12
- notebook-shim==0.1.0
- numpy==1.23.0
- packaging==21.3
- pandas==1.4.3
- pandocfilters==1.5.0
- parso==0.8.3
- pexpect==4.8.0
- pickleshare==0.7.5
- pillow==9.1.1
- prometheus-client==0.14.1
- prompt-toolkit==3.0.30
- protobuf==3.20.0
- psutil==5.9.1
- ptyprocess==0.7.0
- pure-eval==0.2.2
- pycparser==2.21
- pygments==2.12.0
- pyparsing==3.0.9
- pyrsistent==0.18.1
- python-dateutil==2.8.2
- pytrec-eval==0.5
- pytz==2022.1
- pyyaml==6.0
- pyzmq==23.2.0
- rarfile==4.0
- regex==2022.6.2
- requests==2.28.0
- scikit-learn==1.1.1
- scipy==1.8.1
- send2trash==1.8.0
- sentence-transformers==2.2.2
- sentencepiece==0.1.97
- setuptools==62.6.0
- six==1.16.0
- sniffio==1.2.0
- soupsieve==2.3.2.post1
- stack-data==0.3.0
- terminado==0.15.0
- threadpoolctl==3.1.0
- tinycss2==1.1.1
- tokenizers==0.12.1
- torch==1.11.0
- torchvision==0.12.0
- tornado==6.1
- tqdm==4.64.0
- traitlets==5.3.0
- transformers==4.20.1
- typing-extensions==4.2.0
- urllib3==1.26.9
- wcwidth==0.2.5
- webencodings==0.5.1
- websocket-client==1.3.3
- zipp==3.8.0
prefix: /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/finetune_hs
When creating a conda environment with
and trying to install GPL within it usingpip install gpl
, the installation loops by collecting iteratively descending versions of tensorflow without end... :Is there a way to fix this no-end tensorflow installation and is it possible to install GPU versions of